Thank you!

No matter what has brought you to this site, I am thankful you are here.

My name is Alison Stagg. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, former youth ministry worker and camp counselor, and a soon-to-be adoptive mom.

I chose to take some time off from clinical practice while we prepared to welcome our children. But also, for years I have wanted to write more. My bachelor’s is in English, and I’ve dreamed of putting more energy into creating content that would be life-giving and helpful for others. When I worked with clients, I loved the conversations we’d have, the insights we’d come to, and the unhelpful ingrained beliefs we’d tackle…and yet, there was always a frustration that these conversations were just between the client and me and they weren’t being shared with others. When working with a client, we are working specifically on things that that one person is going through and struggling with…and also, those things are often very, very universal.

This blog is my space to help bring language, understanding, and practical resources for those universal human experiences.

I hope you find something helpful and life-giving here. I welcome your feedback and suggestions if there is something you’d like to see addressed!

*Please note: While I use my education and experience as a professional counselor to inform my writings, this blog is in no way intended as a substitute for seeking out therapy.